Exclusive: Halcyon Days Interview

ROCKFLOUR presents an exclusive interview with the long-haired and controversial frontman, James Trevor, from the rock band - Halcyon Days. Interview by John Monty.

How did you choose your band name?
We debated a number of names John. We tried flicking through a dictionary to find a suitable name, but that wasn't very helpful. First time - we landed on the word 'chandelier' - a lovely word, but goes against the very ethos of our dark satanic music and possibly too obtuse. Second time around, it landed on the word 'generic' and let me tell you my friend, we are anything but generic.

So how did the name come about?
I'm coming to that John, you're very impatient, almost bordering on impetious. Do mind the manners. I was reading a myth recorded by Ovid that depicts Halcyon days. In a nutshell a wife, grief stricken by her husband's death, jumps off a cliff. Instead of perishing she is carried to her husband by the wind. So we decided on the name Halycon Days in the hope that the grief and hurt we feel will one day transform to calm and beauty.

In your biography, titled Junkie Junkie, you mention that your drug habit resulted in severe depression. Did these experiences influence your music?
Without question. It is true to say John that I have suffered many trials. During my depression I would have bad dreams where I'm manically trying to untangle pieces of string, but never quite managing. This sense of perpetual agony or frustration is embodied in all of our songs. The music comes from a bitter rotten core from which true raw unfettered emotion spills.

You're rockstar persona has been likened to the drug dealer from Withnail and I. Some even suggesting you're a direct rip-off. What do you say to these critics?
Oh deary me John. Oh deary deary me. I am who I am and that is no imitation. End of interview.


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