Whistle in the Well

A bird watching enthusiast was rescued by firefighters yesterday after falling into a disused well.

Patrick Woods, 58, from North Talon, in Suffolk, fell into the well whilst searching for Skylarks. He was saved by a rambler after he was heard blowing on his bird whistle.

“I was looking for birds, binoculars in hand when all of a sudden the ground collapsed beneath me. Thankfully I had my Skylark Signal Whistle with me - it produces over 122 decibels of sound so I just started blowing. It was strangely reminiscent of Kate Winslet’s character in Titanic where she’s blowing for her life. All I had was hope and that trusty whistle”.

"I’m a keen reader of Andy McNab so realised the importance of staying calm and focused. I tried to eliminate any negative thoughts but no-one knew I was bird-watching, so no alarm would be raised. In short I thought I was going to die a horrible death. Fortunately I was heard by my guardian angel - Keith, a humble rambler. My skylark prayers were answered; God had given me a second bite of the apple".

Mr. Woods is resting in hospital.


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